Miami Beach Restoration Company - Water Leaks Detection


Leaks happen, that’s what any property owner will tell you. Plumbing lines may fail, your washing machine may overflow, or the sprinkler system may start malfunctioning. Some are blatantly obvious, while to other leaks, it’s you who’s oblivious. Hidden or visible, water leaks can amount to an increase in your water bills, while at the same time can contribute to progressive damage that can invite hefty, unwarranted expenses that could have been avoided with timely detection and intervention. That’s where Miami Beach Restoration Company comes in! We leverage on over 20 years of experience in water leaks detection and can uncover hidden leaks faster than anyone in Miami Beach, FL area.

Can I leave a small leak unchecked?

The answer is no, you can’t! Statistics indicate that leaks alone can account to up to 14% of an average household’s water use, making it vital to address even the smallest of leaks right away. If it starts small, remember, it won’t stay that way for long. Your furniture can get damaged, metal fixtures can corrode, dyes from fabrics can bleed, paint can peel away and mold growth can take over. No matter how trivial it may seem, the issue can scale up in size and eventually slap you with heavy water bills, in addition to warranting expenses for water damage repairs.

Should I start digging up my property?

Before you start digging up your yard or breaking down the drywall to find the source of the leak, know this: leaks may surface in one spot, but the source can be in an entirely different area. At the end of the day, you’d have ended up destroying a portion of your property for no reason, necessitating additional expenses for repair that your insurance company may not fill in for. That’s why, when you suspect there’s a leak, we recommend you call us on 786-322-1044 and trust us to unearth the leaks in minimal time and in minimally-destructive ways.

Why us?

  • Miami Beach Restoration Company Miami Beach, FL 786-322-1044We work round-the-clock in Miami Beach, FL area
  • We are technically sound in leak detection
  • We work non-invasively to ensure zero damage
  • We can detect leaks at a faster rate than anyone else
  • We fix the source of the leaks effectively
  • We can effectively dry out damaged areas
  • We commence restoration efforts right away

Equipment we use:

  • Infrared (Thermal imaging) cameras
  • Hygrometers
  • Moisture detectors
  • Penetrating/non-penetrating meters
  • Snake cams
  • Acoustic equipment

How our leak detection process works?

Leaks in hard-to-reach areas such as wall cavities or underneath your floor can be difficult to detect. We at Miami Beach Restoration Company first rule out the obvious causes by checking for visible sources of the water leak. If we find none, we them use advanced acoustic equipment to listen to the sound of running water that enable us to narrow down the range. This is used in conjunction with other equipment such as moisture detectors and snake cams, to identify the leak. To arrive at an accurate location of the leak, our experts use thermal imaging for the same, which detects the heat emanating from the object it is pointed at. Since dampness is always colder than dry areas, the cameras indicate abnormal dark areas (i.e. colder areas) that signal the presence of a leak.

If there’s a leak that’s disrupting your peace of mind, 786-322-1044 is the only number you’ll need to detect it and fix it.