Miami Beach Restoration Company - Mold Remediation


You might think your property is all dried up after a leaky roof dampened your walls, however, unknown to you, there might lurk a well-known threat in the area where moisture still remains – mold. This harmful fungus can grow unnoticed in your home/business property, hidden inside the walls, ceiling plenums, behind tiles and other places. And while it’s not considered a serious threat by many, over time it intensifies to cause widespread devastation to your property, pose great risks to health and can throw your life out of balance.

We, at Miami Beach Restoration Company, have handled innumerable cases of mold growth of varying degrees of severity. We’ve seen mold ravage homes, we’ve seen it bring about deadly allergies to inhabitants, and we’ve seen it eat into wood, paper, carpets and more. That’s why, when you suspect there’s mold growth at your property in Miami Beach, FL area, you need to dial 786-322-1044 for prompt intervention.


  • What is mold?

Mold is a type of fungus that comprises multi-cellular fungal filaments and exists everywhere in the environment. Mold needs three things to grow: moisture, an organic food source (for e.g. wood, fabric etc) and a lack of air flow. When given the right conditions, it will start to proliferate and becomes visible.

  • How fast can mold grow?

Once given the proper conditions that are mentioned above, it can grow in less than 24 hours. Beyond 48- 72 hours, mold can grow to dangerously high levels. That’s why, after a flood or water damage event, it is important to get the property thoroughly dried and cleaned.

  • Is mold harmful?

Since people have varying levels of sensitivity to mold, the symptoms may vary from person to person. Some may exhibit skin irritation while others who already have respiratory problems may notice an aggravation. Besides the health hazards, mold can also damage your property, eat into wood, wallpaper and other possessions.


When it comes to mold, people often debate whether they need to incur extra expenses in hiring mold remediation experts for the job. Isn’t a chemical bleach enough to get rid of them? No, it’s not. While you might clean what’s on the surface, mold never perishes, as long as there’s moisture that allows it to thrive. Drying the property yet not controlling mold levels can mean one thing; mold grows dormant for a while and can go active anytime it’s given the right conditions. That’s why DIY methods such as bleaching the surface, household cleaners and painting over the surface never work, and there are high chances that mold may make a reappearance. For all your mold problems, hire Miami Beach Restoration Company!


  • Miami Beach Restoration Company Miami Beach, FL 786-322-1044We provide remediation 24/7, everywhere in Miami Beach, FL area
  • We address the cause, not just the effect
  • Our experts use specialized cleansers to remove mold from affected areas
  • We can detect hidden growth using high-end equipment
  • Any water damage or hidden leaks are fixed promptly
  • We cut off moisture completely to prevent mold growth
  • Mold damaged materials are safely discarded
  • Air contamination levels checked to verify if mold is eliminated
  • Setting up of mold-proof measures to prevent a recurrence

Contact us 24/7: Reach out to the mold remediation experts on 786-322-1044!